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Always be EPIC

EPIC Brand, LLC is a one-stop shop for all. We are a Christian, inspirational brand purposed to remind believers, worshippers, and the world to always be Eternally Peaceful In Christ.


The drive of EPIC is the calling of God & mandate to encourage, empower, and inspire His people to peace. Not just any peace, but the peace of God that we are called to dwell in as His children who dwell in Him. We at EPIC Brand, LLC know that every moment counts, and therefore strive to make the entire EPIC experience as rewarding and peaceful as possible. Check out our store with Reminders of Peace and our EPIC Moments blog, and get in touch with questions, prayer requests, etc.

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Tamia Breshaé

Tamia Breshaé (Chicago, IL.) is an avid creative of many expressions, an emerging Author & Psychologist with a passion to inspire, empower, and encourage individuals whether young or old. She has a Bachelors of Science in Psychology from the Illinois Institute of Technology and a Masters of Arts in Psychology; specializing in Child and Adolescent Psychology from the Chicago School of Professional Psychology in Chicago, IL.

(Bio Written by Psalmist Raine)


The face behind EPIC Brand, LLC...

• 27 years old

• Worshiper

• Creative

• Pastor

• Teacher

• Artist

• Author

• Student

• Still growing...

"I am young, but I know who I am because I know thee ‘I Am...’ Without God, forming and building EPIC would not have happened. He’s surrounded me with people who've pushed me to press in and use what God has given me - because what I have is enough. I want you to know that I am here... here to remind you and myself, that Christ in us provides peace... in Him, we can and in Him we will!"

~ Tamia Breshaé, Owner/CEO


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